Community forum

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Hey there,

Been a while since i've been on the forums. We've been running our Q and Prod (2 servers) instances of VisualCron in our environment on 7.2.1 for quite some time. It just works haha. HOWEVER, We know we can't stay on an old version forever. I know in 7.5.x the security changed as i've done some testing from 7.1.9 and 7.2.1 upgrading to 7.5.1 (i think) and i know I had to fix the user security due to changes there (AD Users, groups, etc.) and that's no big deal. But I thought I would ask if there are any other known surprises i should be aware of.

I plan on upgrading our Q server today since i don't have to go through any formal process for that. Can i just go straight from 7.2.1 to 8.0.0 and just fix the security like i had to when going from 7.2.1 to 7.5.x? or is there more to it than that?

Thanks in advance!

Forum information
Hi Brian,

Yes, you can upgrade to 8.0.0 from 7.5.x as there are no breaking changes from 7 to 8.

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