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I would like to see a where-used report, or even a simple search for variables to see what jobs and tasks use a variable.

So for example, I have some user-defined variables. I need to change them but I want to see where they are used to assess the impact.

Or, I might want to add another variable such as a "backup path" and would like to find all jobs that use another variable since I know they will go together.

I also use variables in emails that are sent from Flow tasks, and would want to see these emails listed as using the variables.

Thanks, James
Forum information
Jon Tofte-Hansen
Hi James,
Have you tried the tab [Tools] and [Object search]? Put the varable name in the search field.
Its a little annoying that the Group/Job-name is not put if you hit a task (where I mostly use variables). Find it by opening the task, then click [Variables] (bottom left), expand VisualCron variables/Jobs/Active job/Group (or name) and click Active´.
BR Jon (VC 8.2.1)
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