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  •  al355
  • No customer Topic Starter
It would be great if we could query the Visual Cron log database using SQL Server Management Studio. It appears that the SDF format is being deprecated by Microsoft so it would be great if you could move to using the MDF format.

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I do not think sdf is deprecated. The advantage is that it is easy to install with less requirements.

I think the closest thing we will come to this request is to provide a web api so you can easily get what you want with a http query.
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whether you provide an API via HTTP or the ability to log to a SQL database we have to be able to query the Job execution data (especially errors) for real-time dashboard reporting in our Data Ops center. One of the current advantages of SQL Agent over VisualCron right now is we can easily query sys.job tables for history and metadata. We want to move totally away from SQL Agent to VisualCron but this is a big obstacle.
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