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My request is in a "Job/Task Control" task, is to allow the task to have more control of which output to inherit when doing a "Run Job" action.

So for example, if "Run Job" is selected and "Inherit output from child Task" is checked, then unlock the "Tasks" combo, then the task selected, is the output which is inherited.

I require this instead of simply using the "Run Task" option because executing a task via that action bypasses the "Put Job in queue" on the target job. This has been confirmed to me in email that its not a bug and its also been confirmed that variables are not instanced, if two parent jobs, execute the same child task at the exact same time but with different passed variables, then one job will return a result based on the wrong variables and the other will error. Running at the "Run Job" level allows the use of "Put Job in queue" but the inherited output is not of any use.

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