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I have a question regarding how to run a specific task or job without triggering the next job.
For instance I created a job A with two tasks and a job B with others tasks.
Job B has a VisualCron trigger on 'Job Completed-Successfully' for the job A

What is the recommended solution for running only one of the task of job A or the job A completly without running job B ?

I tryed with the flow solution, with conditions and the option run with options but I didn't get more success.
Maybe I'm missing something any help is welcome, thanks
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Instead of Trigger you could use a Job/Task control Task in Job A that runs Job B. Then just disable that Task if you only want to run Job A.
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Your solution is fine with a few jobs but with a lot of jobs it will be difficult to track all dependencies and more problematic. It impose to change the job (active/inactive) and to rollback without forgetting one in the process.
Originally Posted by: blastos 

Your solution is fine with a few jobs but with a lot of jobs it will be difficult to track all dependencies and more problematic. It impose to change the job (active/inactive) and to rollback without forgetting one in the process.

Or you can simply deactivate Job B. How do you suggest it would work?
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Let me explain the tests I made:
The first was with the flow tab and with 4 jobs (job1 to job4).
job1 starts the job2 and the job3 on success and only if return code is 0
job2 and job3 start job4 on success and only if return code is 0.

With this configuration if I want to restart only job2 it will start job4 too. It's not what we want and I don't find another solution with this.

The other configuration I tested was with the sames jobs (without the flow) but working with the triggers on 'Job completed - successfully'.
This solution work fine for the previous case but if I want to restart only the job1 it will start job2 and job4 and so on.
The proposition you gave impose to disable job2 and job 3 before the restart.
It's ok with a few jobs and if know the cascading run. What if you have more than hundred jobs with complicated chaining?
It seams a little heavy to do like this.

I don't now if there is another solution to only start the required job or task without triggering the next jobs in queue.
Maybe it should be a new feature?

Originally Posted by: blastos 


I have a question regarding how to run a specific task or job without triggering the next job.
For instance I created a job A with two tasks and a job B with others tasks.
Job B has a VisualCron trigger on 'Job Completed-Successfully' for the job A

What is the recommended solution for running only one of the task of job A or the job A completly without running job B ?

I tryed with the flow solution, with conditions and the option run with options but I didn't get more success.
Maybe I'm missing something any help is welcome, thanks

(Bumping an old post because of the implementation)

I just wanted to let you know that we've implemented this now in our latest 9.3.0 beta build which you can download here: https://www.visualcron.c....aspx?g=Posts&t=9989 

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