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Calendaric Function in VisualCron
If we define an interval trigger for every first workday of a month, it runs on days that are not workdays. As you can see on screenshot Trigger.png we defined a job „Winsure.EXE starten“. In this job we set a trigger for interval 1st workday every 1 month(s) starting from 27.4. Now the job get sheduled for run on Monday the 01.05.2017 which is not a working day in our country. The 1st may is a holiday. The behavior of the workday option seems to be incorrect. It just runs on every Monday to Friday.

If we now define a TimeException for 1st of may and activate it for our job the following happens. The job gets sheduled for 1st of may, but it will not run because of activated TimeExeption. Now we have no job run for may which is not correct either.
As you can see the combination of interval trigger and time exception does not work properly. The result we need is a job that runs every 1st day of a month that is a real workday.
We suggest the following solution for this issue.
Introduction of a calendar function for working days. The option workday in interval trigger now does not just run every monday to friday but it gets all run days from a rule set of the calendar. In the main server settings (ServerSettings.png) has to be a new option calendar. This opens a configuration for calendar rules.

These rules define working days in combination of weekdays and exceptions (maybe TimeExceptionCollections can be used?). The user just checks all weekdays (sometimes Saturday is a working day!) he needs job runs. After that he activates the exceptions. This System now defines what a trigger accepts as a workday and it is possible to define triggers that fit the needs described above.
Every time trigger should have a checkbox „OnlyRunOnWorkDays“.
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+1 (as already requested 1 year ago)
+1 for me as well on this request. I am dealing with some complicated scheduling and being able to use a calendar to define a very unique run schedule versus lots of triggers would be nice.
+1. Same here. Need to run a job on the first working day of a month. Currently, if this day is a holiday (in Time Exceptions) a job will simply not run instead of running the next day.
This feature was also requested in this topic: https://www.visualcron.c....aspx?g=posts&t=2396 
6 years ago.
Here as well: https://www.visualcron.c....aspx?g=posts&t=3068 
I found a couple more of similar questions on the support forum.

Just wondering if you're planning to introduce this feature any time soon.
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