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I am trying to download files when they reach the ftp server. I set a job with a net file trigger who triggers when a file is created.
This part works well, but for example if 3 files are created, the job is triggered 3 times too. The first run of the job will download all files and the next runs will fail with no files to download.

Is this the desired behaviour? Is there another method to download files without knowing their name and when they come?

I'm using version 8.2.4
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Yes we have also seen this behaviour
Originally Posted by: dabelenda 

I am trying to download files when they reach the ftp server. I set a job with a net file trigger who triggers when a file is created.
This part works well, but for example if 3 files are created, the job is triggered 3 times too. The first run of the job will download all files and the next runs will fail with no files to download.

Is this the desired behaviour? Is there another method to download files without knowing their name and when they come?

I'm using version 8.2.4
Thank you for your support

I think you are using Variables wrong. First, you do not need to have a Task downloading files as the Trigger has an option to download files. Second, it will trigger one time for each new file but you will have different Variables in runtime. I am guessing you are using a wildcard in your Task instead of the specific Variables that contains the new files.

If you decide to stick with your Task you should use the following Variables:
Remote folder: {TRIGGER(Active|LastTrigger|RemoteFile.Result.Folder)}
Include file mask: {TRIGGER(Active|LastTrigger|RemoteFile.Result.Name)}

If you are using something else that is probably part of the problem.
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You are right I was using the wildcard and expected the job to be triggered only once.

I did what you proposed and it works fine, thank you
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