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Roland Prantl
Hi community,

I created a job with one task, which starts a .net program. Even when I uncheck the "Run in hidden window" checkbox, the program runs without showing the window.
I've tried as console application as well as in WinForms, both do not show up.
The problem about this is, that I have to controlled shut down the running task (which is a batch job, handling large amounts of data) from Visual Cron, to continue at an other point in time.
But with not showing up the UI the events of the form (or console window) are not called.
In WinForms the Application.ThreadExit event is called, but this does not wait for the shut down action to be done.
If I run my program and press the red x (close window), everything works fine.
Any ideas?
Thank you in advance
Forum information
One basic thing with VisualCron execution is that, by default, it should be unattended. This means that no physical desktop is being used. Because of that, the process will not be seen on your specific desktop. The reason behind this is so that the service can run things without having to log someone in.

If you really want the behavior you ask for it is possible if you set Task main settings to Foreground. However, this creates another layer of dependencies to the desktop.
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