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We have upgraded to 8.2.7 this week and we are monitoring our tasks closely after some negative experiences in the last couple of weeks. And I am noticing quite a few failed tasks with exit code 255 and task output = "Exception in Task: System.Exception: Non zero exit code". We have 2 VisualCron servers and it's happening on both.

The tasks are simple execute tasks > they start an exe with specific arguments. Also checked is the Working directory = location of exe and the exit code = Windows (default).
It seems to be concentrated on a couple of specific tasks. I have checked the logs of these applications and I am seeing no errors. Weirdly it does not happen all the time. We will get the error once or twice, then the task will run as normal a couple of times and then the error comes back. The only thing that stands out to me is the duration of the task > very short.

Please find attached the Failed jobs:

Forum information
Compared to other Tasks are you using the same Credential?

Can you test to enable Extended debugging. Then edit the Credential and switch between CreateProcessAsUserW and CreateProcessWithLogonW.
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Below you can find our log file of last night. The credentials are the same as our other jobs, and sometimes the jobs run just fine without changes or interventions, and then a couple of hours later a couple of runs will fail again.
And the problem is getting worse. I have new jobs failing almost every day. We upgraded to be able to trust our scheduling again, but this is just as bad as before.

29/06/2017 3:20:33 Debug Next Task is: 2. Collect the passports
29/06/2017 3:20:33 Debug Next action: ActionContinue
29/06/2017 3:20:33 Debug Calling StartTaskProcess() with Task: 2. Collect the passports (2458713)
29/06/2017 3:20:33 Info Task started(Execute): 2. Collect the passports (2458713)
29/06/2017 3:20:33 Debug Process status - starting up output reader
29/06/2017 3:20:33 Debug Process status - OutPut captured (2458713)
29/06/2017 3:20:33 Debug Process status - waiting for exit
29/06/2017 3:20:33 Debug Process status - trying to retrieve exit code
29/06/2017 3:20:33 Err Task "2. Collect the passports" exited with code: 255(The extended attributes are inconsistent.)
29/06/2017 3:20:33 Debug Process status - process has exited at retrieving process id (2458713)
29/06/2017 3:20:33 Debug Process status - process has already exited at WaitForExit
29/06/2017 3:20:33 Debug Process status - ExitCode fetched (2458713)
29/06/2017 3:20:33 Debug Process status - ProcessHandles closed (2458713)
29/06/2017 3:20:33 Debug Ending timeout timer (2458713)
29/06/2017 3:20:33 Debug Ending output readers (2458713)
29/06/2017 3:20:33 Debug Closing desktop handles (2458713)
29/06/2017 3:20:33 Debug Process status - About to raise TaskCompleted (2458713)
29/06/2017 3:20:33 Info Task completed (Failure)->'2. Collect the passports' (2458713)
29/06/2017 3:20:34 Debug PrevTaskProcess(2. Collect the passports)->ExitCodeResult: Failure (ECCId: 746c95ce-d394-491c-925c-8bd50e4daa8ePId: 2458713, Exit code: 255)
29/06/2017 3:20:34 Debug Found 2 matching flows. (2458713)
29/06/2017 3:20:34 Err FlowRunNotification->Could not find Notification with Id: 616207fb-ef20-4861-bf4f-0a15dcb2981f
29/06/2017 3:20:34 Err The specified Notification did not exist.
29/06/2017 3:20:34 Debug Next execution (2) for Job 'PassportCollector - Collect passports' is: 30/06/2017 3:20:00
29/06/2017 3:20:34 Debug SendJobStats->Ended (29/06/2017 3:20:00)
29/06/2017 3:20:34 Err Job completed (Failure)->'PassportCollector - Collect passports'
29/06/2017 3:20:34 Debug Process status - OutPut captured (2458712)
29/06/2017 3:20:34 Debug Process status - waiting for exit
29/06/2017 3:20:34 Debug Process status - trying to retrieve exit code
29/06/2017 3:20:34 Debug Process status - process has exited at retrieving process id (2458712)
29/06/2017 3:20:34 Debug Process status - process has already exited at WaitForExit
29/06/2017 3:20:34 Debug Process status - ExitCode fetched (2458712)
29/06/2017 3:20:34 Debug Process status - ProcessHandles closed (2458712)
29/06/2017 3:20:34 Debug Ending timeout timer (2458712)
29/06/2017 3:20:34 Debug Ending output readers (2458712)
29/06/2017 3:20:34 Debug Closing desktop handles (2458712)
Can you try the following;

1. enable extended debugging
2. edit the Credential that you use and switch between CreateProcessAsUserW and CreateProcessWithLogonW
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