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  •  Ibbo
  • Paid support Topic Starter
Hi all - and thanks in advance if anyone can help.

A job on my VC server disappeared. I have restored the job from backup and can see the audit history and believe the date when this job apparently vanished from my server is 17th June after 2am up to 18th June before 2am - this is the time period my job must have disappeared (not saying deleted). The reason I believe it was this time period is that i can see the job ran at 0200 on 17th June but did not run on 18th June 0200 (job runs once a day at 0200).

So my issue is that i cannot see a "delete" for this job in the logs.

I would assume that this type of activity is logged in the log_server.txt log at this path: d$:\Program Files (x86)\VisualCron\log\....

Is this a bug? Could this have been deleted and the delete not logged? How can i find out please?
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