Community forum

Please note that VisualCron support is not actively monitoring this community forum. Please use our contact page for contacting the VisualCron support directly.

Changes so far in this build:

[FEATURE] Client/Server: Added multi domain/forest support for logon (VC-575)
[FEATURE] Client/Server: New Trigger->Added HTTP Trigger (VC-975)
[FEATURE] Client: Google Big Query->Fixed UI issues (VSPS-241)
[FEATURE] Client: Result->Created a better GIF player (VC-1954)
[FEATURE] Client/Server: Variables->Added Task.Description (VC-2140)
[FEATURE] Server: Output->Added realtime output support for more Task types (VC-1652)
[FEATURE] Client/Server: Dynamics CRM->Added support for Variables in Dynamics CRM Tasks (VC-2128)
[FEATURE] Client: Dark theme UI fixes (VC-2115)
[FEATURE] VCCommand: Implemented "port" argument (VC-2142)
[FEATURE] Client/Server: New Task->Scan document (cloud) (VC-2122)
[FEATURE] Client/Server: Object relations->Added replace from "No x" to something and the other way round (VC-1982)
[FEATURE] Server: Output->Added more result for various Tasks (VC-1997)
[FEATURE] Client/Server: PGP Keys->Added import/create features (VC-2049)
[BUGFIX] Client/Server: SQL Task->Fixed date validation and conversion in stored procedures (VC-2123)
[BUGFIX] Server: Log/Result->Fixed issue serializing DBNull value (VC-2137)
[BUGFIX] Server: Web macro->Fixed wait element before download (VC-2109)
[BUGFIX] Client/Server: SQL Task->Fixed output System.XML.XMLNode[] issue (VC-2121)
[BUGFIX] Client/Server: Variables->Workday output format fix (VC-2144)
[BUGFIX] Server: MSMQ Trigger->Fixed issue with path (VC-2149)
[BUGFIX] Client/Server: Amazon S3->Added further support and changes to Amazon S3 compatible servers (VSPS-278)
[BUGFIX] Server: AMQP->Handled memory/thread leak (VC-2126)
[BUGFIX] Client: Audit log - versions->Changed default query (VC-2002)
[BUGFIX] Client: Email Task->Switched to EO browser instead of IE (VC-1980)
[BUGFIX] Client: Connections->Fixed an issue switching protocol type (VSPS-280)
[BUGFIX] Client/Server: Robot Task->Fixed incorrect menu item issue (VC-2158)
[BUGFIX] Client/Server: Robot Task->Fixed issue finding element after reboot (VC-2158)
[BUGFIX] Server: Settings->Fixed issue recovered broken settings at startup (VC-2171)
[BUGFIX] Server: HTTP/REST Trigger->Fixed issue with result values (VC-2167)
[BUGFIX] Server: HTTP Task->Fixed issue aborting Task (VC-2124)
[BUGFIX] Server: Execute Task->Fixed execution failure with combintation Credential without stdout and stderr (VC-2021)
[BUGFIX] Client: Textboxes->Fixed issue with caret position and rendering text field content(VC-2148)
[BUGFIX] Client: Output->Better switch to window (VC-2043)
[BUGFIX] Server: HTTP Task/Trigger->Added PATCH support (VC-2145)
[BUGFIX] Server: Scan document->Fixed crash issue aborting Task (VC-2178)
[BUGFIX] Server: SFTP->Fixed 0 kb file issue (VSPS-285)
[BUGFIX] Client: Triggers->Fixed 'specified cast' error in Trigger dependency (VC-2189)
[BUGFIX] Client: Log->Fixed non-modal crash in general log window (VC-2191)
[BUGFIX] Client: Manage servers->Fixed upgrade server issue (VC-2165)
[BUGFIX] Client: Main window/result-> Added support for 'days' in Execution time (VC-2192)
[BUGFIX] Server: SFTP/FTP->Fixed performance when working with many files and Variables (VSPS-286)
[BUGFIX] Server: Cloud File Trigger->Fixed retry loop issues (VSPS-284)
[BUGFIX] Server: Email Trigger->Added file length check and fix (VC-2180)
[BUGFIX] Server: Objects->Added limitation in scanning recursive components (VC-2181)
[BUGFIX] Client: Output/Result->Fixed positioning (VC-2196)
[BUGFIX] Client: Import->Added 'Clear settings' fix only to clear all that has something to import (VC-2174)
[BUGFIX] Client: Triggers->Fixed visibility of 'Reset Trigger dependency' (VC-2136)
[BUGFIX] Client: UI->Added main font to themes file (VC-2125)
[BUGFIX] WebClient->Fixed column resizer position (VC-2108)
[BUGFIX] WebClient->Fixed Popup Task issues (VC-2102)
[BUGFIX] Server: VMWare->Fixed fetching server name (VC-1990)
[BUGFIX] Client: Server cards->Fixed style issues (VC-2204)
[BUGFIX] Server: SFTP->Fixed issue download all files when folder does not exist (VSPS-268)
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Forum information
Danny van Oijen

Could you elaborate: VC-975?
What has been added?
Originally Posted by: Danny van Oijen 


Could you elaborate: VC-975?
What has been added?

Not fully documented yet but it is about monitoring web sites for changes. What are you after?
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Danny van Oijen

Just curious what was added, was hoping for a new HTTP method (PATCH) :d
Originally Posted by: Danny van Oijen 


Just curious what was added, was hoping for a new HTTP method (PATCH) :d

We will notify you when we have implemented this!
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