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Rich Antanavige
I'm a bit new to more than basic VisualCron jobs/tasks so I apologize in advance.

I'm trying to print files as they are dropped into a Folder (they will come sequentially for an unknown period of time depending on volume) so I have a job with a File Trigger which monitors a folders and then a System-Print Task which I was going to use to print, but it looks like I'm missing the piece of how to pass JUST the file seen in the trigger to the task. I don't see a way in that task to take in one of the variables to print (looks like it just wants a folder) ?

Any assistance/guidance that anyone can offer is much appreciated.
Forum information
I think you are looking for the variable {TRIGGER(Active|LastTrigger|File.Result.FullPath)} or {TRIGGER(Active|LastTrigger|File.Result.Name)}.
Originally Posted by: Rich Antanavige 

I'm a bit new to more than basic VisualCron jobs/tasks so I apologize in advance.

I'm trying to print files as they are dropped into a Folder (they will come sequentially for an unknown period of time depending on volume) so I have a job with a File Trigger which monitors a folders and then a System-Print Task which I was going to use to print, but it looks like I'm missing the piece of how to pass JUST the file seen in the trigger to the task. I don't see a way in that task to take in one of the variables to print (looks like it just wants a folder) ?

Any assistance/guidance that anyone can offer is much appreciated.

Let us know if you still need help, Gary W's suggestion should sort it for you

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