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We are running VC on Win10 - 1909.
We have a reporting job that contains the task "job report" which output the list of all jobs.
Since we have upgraded VC from 9.3.0 to 9.8.5. this task "job report" is failing with the below errors:
Exception in Task: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
We also tried on a different machine (same configuration) and we are getting the same error.
The job was running fine with 9.3.0. Please advise which key is missing where.

Forum information
Originally Posted by: Lei Liu 

We are running VC on Win10 - 1909.
We have a reporting job that contains the task "job report" which output the list of all jobs.
Since we have upgraded VC from 9.3.0 to 9.8.5. this task "job report" is failing with the below errors:
Exception in Task: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
We also tried on a different machine (same configuration) and we are getting the same error.
The job was running fine with 9.3.0. Please advise which key is missing where.

Hi Lei. We are aware of this issue and we have fixed it in our latest 9.9.0 beta build that you can download here: https://www.visualcron.c...aspx?g=Posts&t=10377 

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As a FYI, we did a test with the beta v9.9.0 and the task “Job report” is no longer failing but still doesn’t produce a correct output : it is giving us a bunch of “;”
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