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Brad Dresler
I believe secure ldap is required in order to make groups work, however, I can only get secure ldap to work when pointed directly at a domain controller.

<domainname> works
<domainname>:636 does not work
<domaincontroller01>:636 works

I've confirmed dns on the host resolves <domainname> to <domaincontroller01>. Pointing it to the DC directly works, but it should be pointed at the domain name in the event that DC fails.

To add to this, <domainname>:636 worked at one point, probably the first week or so after implementation. I've got an AD group configured in user permissions using it. If I try to add another group using <domainname>:636 as AD server it fails.
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Michael Fjellström
Originally Posted by: Brad Dresler 

I believe secure ldap is required in order to make groups work, however, I can only get secure ldap to work when pointed directly at a domain controller.

<domainname> works
<domainname>:636 does not work
<domaincontroller01>:636 works

I've confirmed dns on the host resolves <domainname> to <domaincontroller01>. Pointing it to the DC directly works, but it should be pointed at the domain name in the event that DC fails.

To add to this, <domainname>:636 worked at one point, probably the first week or so after implementation. I've got an AD group configured in user permissions using it. If I try to add another group using <domainname>:636 as AD server it fails.


Please create a ticket with this issue and send it to, as we are preparing to close down this section of the forums. So all technical issues are best (and fastest) solved via email tickets.
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