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Tom Woolaway
Downloaded 8.2.7 Trial - 4 hours ago.
Could not login with vaild domain, ID, password. Kept saying invalid username or password.
Remote desktop to the server works with same credentials that VisualCron says is invalid.

By chance, tried admin for user and blank for password. This worked.

Nowjhere in the documentation is this mentioned.

Is this how the 45 day trial is supposed to work or is this a bug?
Forum information
Originally Posted by: Tom Woolaway 

Downloaded 8.2.7 Trial - 4 hours ago.
Could not login with vaild domain, ID, password. Kept saying invalid username or password.
Remote desktop to the server works with same credentials that VisualCron says is invalid.

By chance, tried admin for user and blank for password. This worked.

Nowjhere in the documentation is this mentioned.

Is this how the 45 day trial is supposed to work or is this a bug?

By default this is the correct behavior. By default we are using the internal VC authentication. But you can also use AD but then you need to enable this in VisualCron.

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