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Hi, I was trying to run the Sql Explorer from my client, but got connection error.

I thought VC would transport the query to the server and run it from there, just like the file explorer, but Sql Explorer seems like it runs from my client. This means I need to make my Sql accept remote connections, which I prefer not to.

(Job task Sqls runs perfectly, and I could do my ad hoc queries that way too, but Sql Explorer seems like a really nice way to do them).

Thanks for a really useful tool!
Forum information
We will probably add that in the future. I am moving this topic to feature requests forum.
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We have similar issues with FTP (FTPS/SFTP/etc) and AD authentication settings.

Some of the third-parties that we deal with can only accept connections from ONE ip for security reasons. The job/tasks work fine as we have added the IP address of the server but when using the FTP interface it does not work as the connection are not going through the server but directly out from the client. Same for the AD authentication settings. It would be nice enhancement to have these connections go through the server!
While it would be convenient it is between hard to impossible to make FTP connections work. SQL connections would be hard but still possible. The reason is that SQL connection is a connection up and then a result back. The FTP connection is constant communication and could also be very large content (files) that in that case would have to be transferred between FTP server->Server->Client and back. I do not see any good way of solving that.

The workaround is to use RDP to the server and run the FTP connection via Client from there. I understand that it may not be desirable but the other way is almost impossible. Very much work for very little effect (and many side effects).
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Dear MatrixIII,

The other option you may wish to consider is to tweak your firewall and NAT your clients to the same IP as the server when connecting to a specific destination.

Alternatively, place the files you wish to transmit on a shared drive on the server and then use a trigger to initiate the server sending the data.


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