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I am using a PowerShell task with a very simple script file to move files. This task was working fine with version 8.2.8, but since upgrading to 8.2.9 I am getting an error:

14:00:00: Server->Execute path: C:\Program Files (x86)\VisualCron\\PowerShell\TaskPowerShellx86.exe
14:00:00: Server->Executing Task process
14:00:00: Server->Executing Task process exited with exit code: 193

My suspicion is that the problem is being caused by a space in the execution path (ie. C:\Program Files...). Since upgrading to 8.2.9, I have needed to modify command line 'Execute' tasks to include quotes around the executable path where the path includes one or more spaces.
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Originally Posted by: aHancock 

My suspicion is that the problem is being caused by a space in the execution path (ie. C:\Program Files...). Since upgrading to 8.2.9, I have needed to modify command line 'Execute' tasks to include quotes around the executable path where the path includes one or more spaces.

This is not the problem. Most likely it is related to Credentials. Try running with and without. Make sure that you check "Load profile" when running with. Also, make sure that the VisualCron service is running as local system account.

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