Community forum

Please note that VisualCron support is not actively monitoring this community forum. Please use our contact page for contacting the VisualCron support directly.

Changes so far in this version:

[FEATURE] Server: Added better Job recovery options for incompatible Job definitions
[FEATURE] Client/Server/TrayClient: Added detailed control over client event popups
[FEATURE] Client/Server: Added grouping to Connections
[BUGFIX] Client: Client events->Fixed sorting
[BUGFIX] Server: Web macro Task->Fixed object reference error related to Extract data action
[BUGFIX] Server: SQL Task->Fixed a problem using Variables in the Task
[BUGFIX] Server: MFT->Added some missing files to installation
[BUGFIX] Server: Flow->Now not adding On success if matching On complete is existing
[BUGFIX] Server: HTTP Task->Fixed impersonation issue when doing binary upload
[BUGFIX] Server: Permissions->Fixed AD authentication issue when AD user is not inhering from group
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Forum information
Brian Glass
Cannot connect to an 8.3.1 server from a prior version client. "Client protocol is obsolete - please upgrade client".

Also cannot connect to a non-8.3.1 server from 8.3.1 client. "Server protocol is obsolete - please upgrade server".

It appears 8.3.1 can only talk to 8.3.1 on both sides.
Originally Posted by: Brian Glass 

Cannot connect to an 8.3.1 server from a prior version client. "Client protocol is obsolete - please upgrade client".

Also cannot connect to a non-8.3.1 server from 8.3.1 client. "Server protocol is obsolete - please upgrade server".

It appears 8.3.1 can only talk to 8.3.1 on both sides.

Thanks for the report! Yes, there is a protocol change here that causes this issue. We are sorry for the inconvinience. We will make less changes to the protocol in the future.
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