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Ralph Heath
Goal: I have three files, File1.txt, File2.txt, File3.txt in a directory I want to copy out to another directory but only when all three files are present.
Setup: I have set three conditions that are the files must be present and a trigger on file created/added. The conditions are listed as Match = File1.txt file exists - True, File2.txt file exists - True, File3.txt file exists - True.
How it works: If I drop File1.txt, then File2.txt, and then File3.txt the files are immediately copied out.
Problem: If the files are dropped in an order other than File3.txt being last, it doesn't work. The job just hangs. File3.txt must be the last file dropped for the job to trigger.

Does anyone know how to make it so the files can be dropped in any order but all three must be present for the job to execute?
Forum information
Ralph, this should have gone into the "General Problem Solving" forum. Anyway, if you haven't already figured it out, in your copy files task, use this for the file mask and check the "is regex" box: file(1|2|3).txt
Then in the main job, create a trigger for each for each file that will fire when the file has been released (you'll end up with 3 file triggers). Here's the part you've been missing: on the trigger tab, click the "dependencies" button and check the box for all file triggers. This makes them dependent on each other, no matter the order. Remove the condition in this case.

Good luck!

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Uses Visualcron since 2006.
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