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  •  ErikC
  • Paid support Topic Starter
Hi support,

I encoutered the following:

I want to login with my AD account, but I have two Domains and in both I have the same user name.
In the User Permission list, I added them both. I see them both in the list with different domains.

username - Domain1
username - Domain2

If I now login with user in Domain1 I get acces.
If I login with the user in Domain 2 I do not get access.
If I delete the user from Domain1 I can get acces with the user from Domain2.

Looks like the 1st hit on a right username and failing on the domain match, stops the search for my other correct user in the list.


Uses Visualcron since 2006.
Forum information
  •  ErikC
  • Paid support Topic Starter

I was doing some more research about this issue.
Could it be the case that only one AD domain is supported?

In the settings \ User/Logon I can only add one domain, but in the user permissions you can have mulitple. You can change the AD server and select different users from different domains.

Uses Visualcron since 2006.
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