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Brad C.
It would be outstanding if there were additional "Timeout Actions" on Event Triggers.

The most notable use-case that I can think of would be to notify someone if an Event Trigger hasn't been fired within a certain period. Traditionally, I might expect a file to be created on a remote FTP location on a daily basis as per an agreement with an outside organization. There's no obvious way to raise an issue and/or notify someone if the file is not there as expected. Believe, in Healthcare, this happens a LOT.

I think it would be ideal to have a set of options, like in the "Job Flow Control" panels:


Timeout action(s):
[ ] Fire Trigger
[X] Run Job
[X] Run Notification
[ ] Deactivate Job

I could even take it one step further and use the notification to let the outside organization know they have not provided the expected file.

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