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Brad C.
I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner, but how great would it be if VisualCron had an HTTP-based trigger that other systems could leverage!

In this RESTful world of XML and JSON, it would be fantastic if we could kick off a job by standing up an HTTP-based trigger.

Much the way that we're seeing Azure Functions and AWS's Lambda's..
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Brad C.
Sorry for the delay! I caught a case of the man-flu and have been lying low!

I would like to have access to create an HTTP end point that could then serve as an trigger for a job. I could then have different systems supporting WebHooks and/or related functionality make a request directly to that trigger.

Once triggered, I would assume I would need access to the QueryString Parameters, Body, Headers and the (HTTP) Method that was invoked.

I can try to formulate some use cases if you need, but this is the general idea.
It's a little convoluted, but I believe you could achieve an approximation of this today by setting up slack message triggers in Visualcron and webhooks into Slack, even with a free Slack team.

Might not be something you'd want for real production operations, but I'm pretty sure it would be sufficient for purposes of brainstorming how you would use the feature.
Brad C.
Thanks for the idea @bweston! I had tested that, and it is definitely close!

I've also played around with a HTTP-based proxy that I could use to proxy HTTP messages into starting a job with the VisualCron API. It works, but it's sort of strange the way you would need to map variables, and the job shows as never really having any kind of trigger. Plus, I have concern about the way it threads and queues the requests.

I do like the way your mind thinks!
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