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The Slack trigger stops firing after roughly 4 hours. To get it to start working again, I have to go back into the job, edit the trigger and refresh a channel name—seemingly to reestablish the connection. I've even tried having another task post every hour into the channel where the trigger is listening. Even still, the trigger stops working after about 4 hours.
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Originally Posted by: jbedard 

The Slack trigger stops firing after roughly 4 hours. To get it to start working again, I have to go back into the job, edit the trigger and refresh a channel name—seemingly to reestablish the connection. I've even tried having another task post every hour into the channel where the trigger is listening. Even still, the trigger stops working after about 4 hours.

What version is this? Could you send screenshots of your trigger settings to ? Also, please enable "Extended trigger debugging" in the trigger main window. If you have this on and can reproduce this error, please send us the log file after it fails to fire. Right-click on the tray-icon --> Server --> Open log folder, then send us the "log_server*currentdate*" file, and also type in the time of the occurance when it didn't fire

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