Community forum

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• Local Conditions (Keep Global Conditions, Just Add Local)-- Conditions that are task specific and/or Job specific. Now we have to create "global" conditions
• Task with ability to "wait for" simple configurable task that waits. Allows for specific paths, sleep interval, time-out. Wait for events such as SQL results and such
• A way to dump VisualCron Output for a task to a file. You can do this now if the output is small. If a SQL query task returns 100s of records, maybe 90 or so could be dumped to a file, the rest would be truncated.
• SQL Connections should have the ability to be global and be found under the global manage connections tab.
• A way to create your own variables in addition to using the preset VisualCron ones.
• Wildcard support for email attachments
• Make sure everywhere there is a variable button in the corner that it actually works on the screen. If variables do not work on a current screen, then the button should be hidden or disabled.
• Maybe a way to loop through files in a directory.

We trully like your product.
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Thanks for the requests. Try to keep the in separate topics (in the future) so they can be easier discussed.

Some comments:

1. About dumping to a file. There is a setting that truncates output. You can change this value in the Server settings.

2. We have a Wait task - please give more details.

3. We have wildcard support for email attachents in latest version.

4. Do you have any examples where the Variables button should not exist?
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We have better support for wild cards with the File Filter in attachments right now.

Also we have made the SQL Connection global. Beta version 4.9.52.
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We will close this topic now. If you miss any features then add them as separate threads (for each request) in this forum.
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