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We are trying to install the client to a load balanced Citrix farm.

Once installed on each server we need the client to be available to each of our licensed users. How do we prevent the install process from running each time we start the client. We use a redirected start menu so we can control which users have access to VC. Are there changes we need to make to the shortcut on the start menu.

Where are the users preferences stored. We need to manage this centrally so it is not necessary to manage our preferences individually on each server in the farm.

We are using Windows Server 2008 and VC 5.6.9

Forum information
plecky wrote:

We are trying to install the client to a load balanced Citrix farm.

Once installed on each server we need the client to be available to each of our licensed users. How do we prevent the install process from running each time we start the client. We use a redirected start menu so we can control which users have access to VC. Are there changes we need to make to the shortcut on the start menu.

Where are the users preferences stored. We need to manage this centrally so it is not necessary to manage our preferences individually on each server in the farm.

We are using Windows Server 2008 and VC 5.6.9



thanks for the report. We are investigating this issue and will get back to you. This requires some testing as we have not changed the installation process in a while.

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