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It appears that when I launch a remote execute task using VisualCron the execution process is not done under the specified credentials on the remote machine, but rather using local system account. Currently, I am trying to migrate some of the scheduled tasks that were in windows scheduler into visual cron - in this case system state backups. The prerequisite however is that the created bkf file is to be stored on a network location and not on a local drive. When the process is launched the network shares cannot be accessed - I've experienced similar caveats in scripts when the accounts are impersonated on remote machines - and system state backup fails.

Can anyone suggest how to get around this? I could create a script using vbs to get around this but it would involve coding the usernames and passwords into the scripts - which is not appropriate as the server is shared amongst other users.

Any help would be appreciated.
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This is a limitation of the current Windows implementation of Remote execute. The actual Credential that is used is used to access the remote machine - not execute as.

From version 5.7.6 we are able to launch a Job on another VisualCron server so if you only want to remote execute on one server maybe it could be easier to install VisualCron server locally there.
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Yeah that is what I suspected. The target computer is actualy a domain controller, so I'd rather keep that server clean without any additional programs, except for what is absolutely necessary.

Thanks for your response.

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