Community forum

Please note that VisualCron support is not actively monitoring this community forum. Please use our contact page for contacting the VisualCron support directly.

I tried to contact VisualCron but apparently I don't understand how to use the Contact page. My VisualCron Client 5.7.3 is saying it is now a trial version and it will not allow me to edit my jobs.

When I go to 'Activate your VisualCron'

It says it is a Trial.

When I attempt to Activate with my activation code

This activation code is already registered. Please obtain your own license at  (Of course it is already registered, it is what I used to register this client.)

When I try to edit a job I receive the following

You don't have permission to perform this action. Reason: your trial period of VisualCron is out. Please purchase a license to activate all functions again. During this time your jobs will still be run at the server. Thank you.

VisualCron - Please contact me through this accounts email address or private message me.

David Calugar
TechMuscle Inc.
Forum information
It works the following way. During trial you can go to the contact page and contact Sales. Or you can write here in the forum.

We have sent you a private message.
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