Community forum

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is there a way to copy files with different credentials?
I want to use for the source a local domain account, for the destination a domain user account.
The source is located at a server without domain membership the destination is on a server with domain membership.
I can see only one location to enter credentials, at the source.
Forum information
What is the status of this nice features? Was it added already?
This has now been implemented in this build:

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Justin B
Could there be a problem with this feature?
I have a job that includes two tasks: one to write a file (from a sql query) to a network directory, and another to copy that file into an archive folder and rename it. The copy task will also delete the source file.
Both tasks are set to use an svc-visualcron service account as the credentials, which has been granted access to the folder. On the Copy task, the svc-visualcron credentials are chosen on both the File Filter tab and the Copy Settings tab. I am finding that the Write File task succeeds, but the copy task failed until I granted security to Everyone. I found it was copying as UTILITY-SRV$ (our VC Server) instead of svc-visualcron. I found further proof of this when checking the file details > Owner. The owner of the original file is listed as svc-visualcron while the owner of the copied file is UTILITY-SRV$.

I was also able to resolve this by switching the VC Service to run as svc-visualcron, which will be our permanent solution.

Running 8.3.1
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