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I download files from different institutions around the world every week, often using "last workday" as a parameter.
I would be helped by a function where I could set up a calendar where Visualcron consider, for example Christmas day as not beeing a workday.
Since I download files from countries with different bank holidays, it would be useful to be able to set up several different calendars to use for different jobs.

Best regards.

Forum information
Hi dsjere,

What you can do is making a time exception filled with bank hollidays.

Uses Visualcron since 2006.
I have looked in to that possibility but it doesn´t work for me. I have a number of jobs running with different date parameters and with different intervals so it would be to time consuming keeping it up to date.
As an example I have a couple of jobs running on a certain bank day every month.
I could pinpoint every day for some time ahead but it would become a problem when that time runs out and someone has to manually extend the timeframe.
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