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My server is running in London and I would like to run certain jobs at 5pm New York time always, whether either location is in daylight savings time or not. Currently, I have to adjust triggers when either location change clock.

Support told me to request this feature in this forum. If you like this feature, maybe they'll implement it sooner.
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Yes we would like this also.
At the moment we are considering a workaround of having another server set up with a different timezone.
Miguel Ceballos
We would like to suggest this feature also, like adding a time zone selector when defining a time trigger.

Here is our scenario. We have 30+ jobs in this scenario, but for simplicity we well talk about them as if they were 3 doing a similar thing, so the jobs are: one must turn on an Amazon Instance based on California time. The second must turn another Amazon Instance on Arizona time. The third one must turn yet another Amazon Instance on Monterrey time.

So, we set up those jobs with the current daylight saving settings and everything is ok. But when a daylight saving change comes (in November), we must do the following changes:
- The California job schedule stays the same, because it goes the same as the server time.
- The Arizona job we have to change it +1 hour, because there is NO dayLight saving period in Arizona.
- The Monterrey job we have to remember to change it +3 hours two weeks after that, because in Mexico these changes take effect 2 weeks apart from that in the US.

We will have to reverse these changes also in March, when the daylight saving period starts again next year.

So, as we keep adding more jobs like these, it gets so very much complicated to mantain the job start times.

Our suggestion is that along with the interval/custom trigger time, we could define to which TimeZone it applies to.

Thank you for your time.

We really need this feature as well. It is not practical to set up a server in every time zone and we have recurring jobs that need to run for any time zone based on our customer's needs. Specifying a time zone on a job trigger start time would be a huge help.
Add me to this list too. We have a vendor that posts a daily data file but they run on UTC time. I also would love to set the time zone on my trigger, in this case to UTC time.
Add us to this list as well. This is a really important feature to have. Most production servers nowadays run on UTC regardless of geographical location, so if you have to schedule business logic that runs in "local time zones" you need to be able to have this. Otherwise you end up having to manually adjust your jobs every six months (as a time zone rolls in and out of Daylight Savings Time).
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