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I need this specific task I have to copy files which file names start with a capital letter (e.g. E, T, M or R) but leave the ones that start with a lower case letter (e.g. e, t, m or r). Support says at the moment the filesystemwatcher in the event trigger file mask is by itself not case sensitive. Therefore, I cannot customize the event trigger the way I need. I hope you can include this functionality in a future release. Thanks in advance!
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I didn't think Windows file systems were case sensitive
Integra IT
Originally Posted by: al355 

I didn't think Windows file systems were case sensitive

It's true that they aren't case sensitive in that referring to file "XYZ" is the same as referring to file "xyz". However, the filenames are still stored in upper and lower case characters as originally defined, so you can name a file "abc" or "Abc", and that exact text is available when querying the file system.

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