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I was setting up several 8.2.8 servers that do periodic FTP uploads and downloads to a central server. I went back to one a couple of days later and noticed a large number of failures on the FTP jobs. Manually troubleshooting with the FTP Connection Explorer, I discovered that I could properly connect only about 1 time in 10. Sometimes it just seemed to time out, and a couple of times I found the error logged: "Invalid address (error code is 96260)". On the FTP server, usually, there was no sign that the client (the VisualCron server) was attempting to open the data port.

I uninstalled one of the servers and reinstalled it with 8.2.7, and it appears to be working fine. I'm about to go downgrade the rest of them.
Forum information
The problem is a new way DNS is used. You need to use the IP or the FQDN in this version.
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