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Visual Cron is missing the network drive mappings after the server restart. But the strange part is, when the settings are exported the .XML files have all the drive mappings.
1. Exported the existing settings (strangely had all the drive mappings)
2. Imported into Visual cron.
3. Network drive mapping screen still does not refresh to reflect the drive mappings.
4. Restarted Visual cron service. Still no change.

Any idead, why this is happening.
Forum information
Please look in the server_startup.txt log file. It might uncover any errors mapping the drives. Generally we do not recommend using Drive mappings at all. Please use UNC paths to avoid any problems with drive mappings.
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Thank you. The start up file provided the required information. The server drive mappings were lost during the restart and Visual cron was unsuccessful in mapping the drives. The issue is with the server drive mapping and this caused Visual Cron to remove non existent mappings.

2/5/2018 9:48:54 AM Err Network drive does not exist/not available: l:
2/5/2018 9:48:54 AM Err Network drive does not exist/not available: S:

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