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I have a new task that I've defined as an event trigger(file).
Its really simple, I want to (on add/change of a file on a certain directory path + after release) copy that file to another directory.
I have found that if I have it set up to do this and manually update the file in question, it does it immediately (the copy) and its fine. However, when I'm regenerating the file from another process, it does not let the file finish being built. Its somewhat of a long running task to build the file, so that process needs to be completed before the trigger activates and copies the VFARBL.txt file to the other directory. Its important that it is intact and complete at the time of the copy.

I have it set up as:
  Trigger Settings.JPG (334kb) downloaded 47 time(s).

Can someone shed some light on what I'm doing wrong with this setup please?


Ellen Solch
Forum information
I don't think you are doing anything wrong there. My guess is that this long running task is (perhaps) releasing the file during the process, and the continues again at some point..?

Anyway, since it is a long running task it is maybe better to create the file in a temp folder, and when it is ready, move it to to folder in question (with trigger). Having a long running task in a monitored folder seems error prone to me.

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