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Hello, this is my first time using the forum for support, so i'll try to be as thorough as possible in the question.

We used to have several tasks for downloading files through FTP/FTPS/SFTP that were implemented with another tool, that wasn't as great for monithing as VCron, but it did the job, and did it in a different fashion, that we now require be done in VCron, for the monitoring purpose as well as the functionality.

Old process :
Run once per file -
1. Download file from FTP
2. Move file to Backup inside the FTP.

VCron Process:
Run per Task - (Same RegExp)
1. Download all files from directory.
2. Move all files from directory to Backup inside the FTP.

The problem we can have surfaces when the VCron process fails (local/external reason, doesn't matter) on step 1. ... The files that were downloaded will stay inside the main directory, and when the process runs again, they will be downloaded again, when they should not be. Each file needs to be download only once, and be moved to the backup right after it's downloaded, sort of like a file queue(like the old process).

I have a Basic to Average knowledged usage of the VisualCron tasks and usage of variables, but i will need some guidance on this, if it's possible to acheive.
Thanks in advance.
Forum information
Nevermind, i found the answer by browsing the Forum and Tutorials enough until i saw what needed to be passed down to the Loop For Each.
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