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I'm just wondering if there's anywhere I can set a limit on how many jobs can be running at the same time. Since registering, I've set up around 20 jobs. Some run every 5 minutes, others every 10 minutes, others every 30 minutes, others every hour, others once a week on Sundays, etc. Of course, that means that at certain times, all "next run" times converge onto the same time and I have 20 jobs running at once. That's not a big deal for now, but as I add more and more things, it might become a big deal. It'd be nice if there was a setting that forced VC to limit the concurrent jobs to a certain number (say 5), and anything more than that would be queued. So if there are 20 jobs set to run at the same time, it would queue all 20, and start 5 of them. As soon as one stopped, it'd start the 6th one. As soon as another stopped, it'd start the 7th, etc.

I've looked through the settings that I can find, but I didn't see anything like this. Did I miss it? Or does it not exist?

Forum information
Not yet. But we plan to add it. I am moving this tpoic to Feature requests.
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