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Dan Wagner
Interesting situation observed with VisualCron (version 8.4.0 build 31263) on our Windows 10 production machine that has stopped our home-grown Continuous Integration system dead in its tracks.

I have a VC task set up to run as me and execute a batch file that fetches an upstream git branch. This task fails due to a credential issue:

VC Task fails due to credentials

The task is set to run using my user profile, which VC confirms is correct (in the image above).

Executing this task in CMD using my user profile, though, works correctly:

Batch file executes successfully from CMD

What could be causing this batch file to fail from VC but work from the command line given that the credentials appear to be correct?
Forum information
Can you turn on Extended debug logging in Server settings. Then go and Edit the Credential and take a screenshot.
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If you are not using foreground execution, you might be able to set it that way and set the credentials to none..
We do this with systems that are logged in all the time and there is desktop interaction.
Dan Wagner
Hey Henrik -- I checked and noticed that the extended debug logging box was already checked, but went ahead and repeated the process with (unfortunately) the same results:


Unless I'm doing this logging check wrong?

ACS -- I love where your head is at, but since this is a shared machine I need to log out regularly while other teammates use it. That would be a problem, right?
If you are running a Windows Server, then VisualCron can login, run the job foreground, then log out.
So, If another user is logged in, they might not even notice.
This would just be a temporary fix, of course.

Fast user switching will need to be enabled, I believe.
I'm not sure if this is possible with a non-server version of Windows.
I know that the Pro version usually only allow one RDP connection at a time.
The server version allows 2.
Dan Wagner
Hey ACS -- shoot! In this situation I am not working with a Server version of Windows :/
Dan Wagner
Hey Henrik -- is there any additional logging I can turn on or more info that I can provide to help troubleshoot this? Thanks! -Dan
Originally Posted by: Dan Wagner 

Hey Henrik -- is there any additional logging I can turn on or more info that I can provide to help troubleshoot this? Thanks! -Dan

I think, for this specific case, as ACS describes, a Server version of Windows is required unfortunately.
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Dan Wagner
Hey Henrik / ACS -- wanted to close the loop here on how we "solved" this problem.

Changing the job to execute in the foreground (rather than the background) with my saved credentials allows the git work to be handled correctly, so we are dealing with the occasional user disconnect as the cost of doing business here.

Thanks! -Dan

Originally Posted by: Dan Wagner 

Hey Henrik / ACS -- wanted to close the loop here on how we "solved" this problem.

Changing the job to execute in the foreground (rather than the background) with my saved credentials allows the git work to be handled correctly, so we are dealing with the occasional user disconnect as the cost of doing business here.

Thanks! -Dan

OK! Thanks for the update!
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