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We have setup a secure FTP task to upload a file to vendor FTP server. For reference we are using a SSH private key. The process works fine except the vendor is reporting that the file is being deleted and uploaded multiple times even though there is only one file in the source directory. According to the output log I see at the task level, the file was only uploaded once.

Is there something else happening in a secure FTP session that is a part of the protocol? because we do not issue any commands to delete any files on the vendor's FTP site, nor is there any reason to upload the file multiple times.

I have not been able to locate any log that would detail what is happening during the FTP session.

This is the output from the task:

Server key received (RSA). Fingerprint is e7:27:dd:2a:ca:1d:3c:3c:bb:b3:ee:f1:28:f0:6f:db
SFTP authentication successful.
2/19/2019 10:10:18 AM Command sent: RequestAbsolutePath /incoming/edirapid
2/19/2019 10:10:18 AM Command sent: ListDirectory /incoming/edirapid
2/19/2019 10:10:18 AM Response received: System.Collections.ArrayList
Command sent: ListDirectory /incoming/edirapid
Response received: 0000037_INSTALL_INSTALL_19-02-2019_AA_WT.txt

Thanks for any help with this issue.
Forum information
It would be strange if this was the case. What if you use the built in Connection Explorer and upload manually. Do you see the same thing on the server side? Also, if you see the same thing, what if you test with FileZilla?
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