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I do not believe that any logic is available from within the steps on a Web Macro task. Here is a description of the Job/Task's I am looking to create.

Web Macro
1) Log's into website
2) Uploads a locally stored file
3) Refresh the page
4) Check if the column next to where the uploaded file is displayed on the site contains the word 'Processing'
-If it does contain 'Processing'
-- Wait 30 seconds and Go back to step 3
-If it does not contain 'Processing'
--Store the value being displayed under the variable 'file_status' (in my case this means it would then say either 'Imported' or 'Imported with errors')
5) Done
*I would also set a timeout for the task to around 15 minutes as the maximum time it takes for a file to process usually does not exceed 10 minutes.
Email Task
-Sends an email with the uploaded file as an attachment only if the variable 'file_status' = 'Imported with errors'

My current set up does the following
Web Macro 1
1) Log's into Website
2) Uploads a locally stored file
3) Done

Web Macro 2
1) Log's into Website
2) Store the value being displayed under the variable 'file_status'
3) Done
*If 'file_status' = 'Processing' then go to Task Web Macro 2

Adding Logic within the steps of the Web Macro task would allow this situation to only require one log-in. With files that take a long time to download, the current set up could be required to log-in upwards of 15-20 times just to get a results. With logic allowing you to refresh the page based on a certain variable that is taken from the site, only 1 log-in would be required and efficiency would greater increase of the file processing.
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