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Anyone got any experience with setting up a ftp client beside CORE FTP LE 2.2 that works, on Visualcron?

I got the certificate and it works if I use this guideline for setting up CORE FTP LE 2.2. 

But when I try to set it up in Visualcron i get this error message:

11:05:11: ConnectThread (4)
11:05:11: Connection opened
11:05:11: FTP/S reply received: 220 Welcome to Axway Gateway FTP server
11:05:11: FTP/S command sent: AUTH TLS
11:05:11: FTP/S reply received: 234 AUTH command OK, waiting handshake
11:05:11: SSL Error: 75796, Fatal: True, Remote: True
11:05:11: Error occured while enabling SSL/TLS on command channel

In Visualcron under Encryption I use TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 .

When I set it to use SSL Version 2 and 3 and TLS 1.0, I get this error message:
11:08:09: ConnectThread (4)
11:08:09: Connection opened
11:08:11: FTP/S reply received: 220 Welcome to Axway Gateway FTP server
11:08:11: FTP/S command sent: AUTH TLS
11:08:11: FTP/S reply received: 234 AUTH command OK, waiting handshake
11:08:12: Cannot support SSL 2.0 and TLS 1.0 and not support SSL 3.0

So I guess the tells that it supports TLS 1.1. and 1.2

Forum information
Jon Tofte-Hansen
This is due to an older protocol version.

We got this to work by using these settings:

Protocol: FTP TLS Explicit (AUTH TLS)
Authentication: Password/Anonymous and a bogus account (this may be superfluous)
Encryption: Deselect "Auto adjust ciphers" and only choose "RSA_3DES_SHA".
Certificate: Import the p12 certificate into VisulCron (Global objects/Certificates) and choose it in the connection settings.
Hi Jesper

It works like a charm 🙂

Thx for sharing.

Regards Claus
Hi Jesper
One more question to this subject.
SKAT cant receive our files, its in the wrong code type.
They want it in utf8, and I send the files directly from a linux redhat server in a unix format (I dont know which one though)

I have set op the Codepage to utf-8 on the ftp upload connections and on the task, without any difference, the file is rejected from SKAT's ftp server.

any ideas?
Jon Tofte-Hansen
I think the Encoding setting is only relevant when creating a file - eg. in a Write file task. The file is not converted just because you run it through an upload task with a different encoding.

You should probably find the correct encoding for the file in Linux (for SKAT: UTF8 without BOM). In VisualCron you could read the file and save the output to a new file in a Write task with UTF8 as encoding.
I ended up using unix2dos, setting Visualcron to convert the unix file to dos with the program unix2dos, before sending it to SKAT.

I works very well.
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