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Please can I ask for an assistance.

I have a job created for a finance team which should run for the first 3 working days of a month. It transfers a file from one server to another but I do not know when the file become available. I need to set up a time trigger instead file trigger as the source server is on another domain and I am running an older version of VisualCron.
To achieve a run in first 3 working days, I have combined the following:
1. Interval time trigger 'Check between 1-5 day of a month' with
2. Custom time trigger Check on Mon-Fri at 9am and then 12, 3, 6 and 9 pm.

As result job run only at 9 am on 3rd and then at 21:36 on 4th and 5th.
Logs state Job 'GP - COM file transfer' was not executed because of multipe Trigger dependency - for any other runs.

Is it possible that those triggers do not work together?

Many thanks
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I suppose it's possible that these two triggers won't work together, but I'm curious why you have two triggers to do this. Wouldn't you be able to do that in a single Custom Time trigger? In the Day tab, select "choose days" and check off days 1 through 5; in the Hour tab, select "choose hours" and check off 12, 3, 6, and 9pm. I haven't actually tested this, but it seems to me that it would work. As for why it runs at 21:36, I don't really know - that seems like a really odd time, given the times you mention. Unless maybe you've accidentally checked off minute 36 or something.

Hi, Thank you for you response.
The reason I have two triggers is that I wanted the job to run only for the first 3 working days i.e. not on Sunday or Saturday and I could not apply it all under the same trigger.
I am not concerned about the run on t 21:36 but it is not correct that the job does not run again after the first run 9am.
If you want to watch the 3 first workdays each month you just add these in the Interval Time Trigger. See screenshot below.

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So can you have 2 dependent time triggers? We've got a job which needs to run once a month: whatever day the Thursday is between the 10th and 16th of the month.


10th if it's a Thursday
11th if it's a Thursday
12th if it's a Thursday
13th if it's a Thursday
14th if it's a Thursday
15th if it's a Thursday
16th if it's a Thursday

Currently I have a trigger for 10,11,12,13,14,15,16, and another for Thursdays.
Hi Henrik, VS Support,
As I have mentioned before, my job will need to run few times a day on the 3 first working days on the month. I can not see how could incorporate another trigger into your solution which would allow the job to run more than once a day.
I have also tried to set up a remote file trigger, but this does not work either as I have explained the file is on Linux server. Please could explain how this can be set up?
I have got an error message: A trigger was inactivated due to an error: SFTP component not connected.
Many thanks
Originally Posted by: AgeasProtect 

Hi Henrik, VS Support,
As I have mentioned before, my job will need to run few times a day on the 3 first working days on the month. I can not see how could incorporate another trigger into your solution which would allow the job to run more than once a day.
I have also tried to set up a remote file trigger, but this does not work either as I have explained the file is on Linux server. Please could explain how this can be set up?
Many thanks

Why cannot you use the solution I suggested but set it at multiple times. How many times a day? If 3, create 3 triggers of 1st workday for example but set it at different times.
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