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Good Afternoon,

I am trying to import a pgp key and it keeps telling me "The Device is not Ready". I have setting up a new key, instead of importing, and when I choose to use a keyring file, I get the same error. I did copy/paste the key into the paste key's area, under public as it is a public key, but it does not encrypt correctly. I know it's not encrypting correctly, because I can't decrypt. What would be the reason for the "Device not Ready" error?

Thank you,
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Originally Posted by: hjohnson 

Good Afternoon,

I am trying to import a pgp key and it keeps telling me "The Device is not Ready". I have setting up a new key, instead of importing, and when I choose to use a keyring file, I get the same error. I did copy/paste the key into the paste key's area, under public as it is a public key, but it does not encrypt correctly. I know it's not encrypting correctly, because I can't decrypt. What would be the reason for the "Device not Ready" error?

Thank you,

Try this:

1) Use the server locally, not any remote connection to it
2) Place the file locally on the same drive where VisualCron is installed
3) Try to import

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