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  •  RobS
  • No customer Topic Starter
We have a file trigger that expires each week. We have enabled the "On error reconnect attempts: No limit". For this particular directory it seems to encountering some issues accessing the directory. Could you speak to potential causes of this?

11/10/2019 6:02:11 PM Err Trigger error: SetWatcher->Cannot access watch folder: \\ccl\apps\kdb\prod\code\products\shared\pmrsportal\runs\temp\SwapCreationAPXCustProp\
11/10/2019 6:02:11 PM Debug Trigger was expired and inactivated

It occurs on Sunday when some of the machines are scheduled for a reboot, but to my knowledge the reconnect should handle that issue so we are unsure of how to avoid this occurring every week.

Thank you in advance for your help.
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  •  RobS
  • No customer Topic Starter
This can be marked as resolved - the key was the "temp" folder in the directory path. The directory gets deleted each week, hence the weekly trigger expiry. Apologies for not noticing this right away.
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