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The String - JSON Encode Task allows you to encode a JSON string from a file or value/Variable into formatted output.


JSON Encode tab



Map columns to properties

Optionally, you can configure mapping between object properties (including nested ones) and column names in the input.

If mapping is configured and the "Include field names" checkbox is turned off, then each configured property will correspond to the value index in the input line.


Input/Output tab



Input settings / Include field names

Specify that the first line in the input contains the column names.


Output settings / Force JSON array output for single-line input

Always create a JSON array on the output, even if the input contains only one line of values, or none at all.


Example input

Column1   Column2   ArrayColumn

Value1    Value2    item1;item2;item3


Example output


  "Property1": "Value1",

  "Property2": "Value2",

  "InnerArray": [

    { "Value": "item1" },

    { "Value": "item2" },

    { "Value": "item3" }

