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The Calculate Variable Task lets you use different kind of math operations to modify and existing Variable.




Store value in Variable...

First you select an existing Variable to store the new value in.


Result box

Here you can preview the future value of the next calculation.


Left and right hand value

You can choose to either work with the current Variable, one or two other Variables or just two other values. By combining different settings you have the following choices:

VariableX = VariableY (math operation) VariableZ

VariableX = VariableX (math operation) Value1

VariableX = VariableY (math operation) Value1

VariableX = Value1 (math operation) VariableX

VariableX = Value1 (math operation) VariableY

VariableX = Value1 (math operation) Value2



The following math operations are available: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division


Validate value when saving

If checked, VisualCron will validate the value with the value type. Leave not checked if you are using a Variable as value and the Variable is not yet set.