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  •  lal
  • No customer Topic Starter
Most of our jobs use date variables extensively, both in the path and in the file names, to look for paths and files with the current year/month/date. Occasionally we get a call from a customer to redeliver a report for a previous day. If there is a request for multiple reports and days, and the jobs have multiple steps, it's a pretty time-intensive process to have to go through and set all the variables for the previous days, for a job that only needs to run that way once.

Would it be possible to have a simple way run the job, once, using date variables for a specific previous day, rather than the current day (or the day that the variable normally points to - sometimes a path or file name routinely points to the previous day.)

Optionally, it would also be helpful if it's possible for someone without rights to edit the job, to be able to run it for a previous day. We have 7X24 operations, and some people have limited rights to just rerun the job, but not edit it, and it would be desirable for them to also be able to run it for a previous day, not just the current day.
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I am thinking it would be easier just to clone the Job and change Variables/Parameters. Then delete job after it has been run. I am having difficulties to see how this would be made generic.
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  •  lal
  • No customer Topic Starter
Yes, it is also possible to clone the job. The problem is that sometimes we get a request that is fairly extensive - to rerun the job for multiple prior days. Some date variables appear in both the path and the filename. Some jobs have multiple tasks using those path and filename date variables. Whether you work a cloned job, or with the original job, then change it back, if you consider those factors all together, it adds up to quite a bit of work for something that would be expected to be simple.

We also have some people, especially off-hours, that only have access to run the jobs, not to edit them - the ideal, if possible, would be for such an operator to also be able to run a job for a previous day, without having rights to edit the jobs.
It sounds like a lot of job (from our side) to accomplish something that is simple and very specific to your needs. What exacly "previous" day is also a question. If we are talking about every variable that contains or represents a date should be exactly one day back there is a lot of job because of all exceptions to this very specific context.

This will probably not be done. We try to weigh each request against the greater need and demand combined with hours of work from our side and this is to specific and hard to accomplish.
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