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  •  Ujma
  • Paid support Topic Starter

I have Question, how can I remove "-", "blank Space", "()" from a file name like using single Regex and replace all of these with "_"

For example file name is like this : xyz abc asd April 28 2020 - xyz(1)_2020_06_18_1523

Can someone please help me with this.

Thank You.
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I see you started a new question so I'll post my reply here too.

Not sure what your approach is but a regex to do it is:

{REGEX(Replace|xyz abc asd April 28 2020 - xyz(1)_2020_06_18_1523|[- ()_]+|_)}

Result (note you will get multiple underscores in a row so the underscore needs to be part of the match set):


Regex explained:

[] - defines a character set
[- ()_] - inside the set are the characters dash, space, open and close parens and an underscore. The underscore needs to get matched too for the following regex match character.
+ - Match 1 or more of the previous character
So it means match 1 or more of the previous characters and replace with a single underscore
Originally Posted by: Ujma 


I have Question, how can I remove "-", "blank Space", "()" from a file name like using single Regex and replace all of these with "_"

For example file name is like this : xyz abc asd April 28 2020 - xyz(1)_2020_06_18_1523

Can someone please help me with this.

Thank You.

Thanks Gary for your suggestion/solution.

Ujima, let us know if Gary's solution works for you in this case.

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