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  •  wam
  • Paid support Topic Starter
In the VisualCron API, there is a FlowClass type in the VisualCron namespace. This FlowClass has an enumerated type, FlowOriginT, that has a value "Unknown".

When I dump all my jobs out to a CSV, the only difference among some flows, other than the Flow Id, is that some jobs have a flow origin of "Job" and others have a flow origin of "Unknown".

When I read the Visual Cron documentation about flows, there is no explicit mention of this flow origin field. See: https://www.visualcron.c...doc/html/job_-_flow.html 

The only thing I can think of, is that Unknown was the value used when a customer migrated from VisualCron 6.x to 7.x - but that's not mentioned anywhere.
Forum information
Originally Posted by: wam 

In the VisualCron API, there is a FlowClass type in the VisualCron namespace. This FlowClass has an enumerated type, FlowOriginT, that has a value "Unknown".

When I dump all my jobs out to a CSV, the only difference among some flows, other than the Flow Id, is that some jobs have a flow origin of "Job" and others have a flow origin of "Unknown".

When I read the Visual Cron documentation about flows, there is no explicit mention of this flow origin field. See: https://www.visualcron.c...doc/html/job_-_flow.html 

The only thing I can think of, is that Unknown was the value used when a customer migrated from VisualCron 6.x to 7.x - but that's not mentioned anywhere.

Hi Wam,

Can you please elaborate the issue/question a little bit more here, i'm not sure i fully understand.

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  •  wam
  • Paid support Topic Starter
Sure. I have a program that dumps all Flows for all Jobs. Our goal is to make sure all Jobs have one of two Flows (effectively, "on job error, e-mail developers", and "on job error, e-mail customer support"). When I dump all existing flows for all existing Jobs, some Jobs have a Flow where the FlowOrigin is Unknown. This causes us to report more than 2 types of Flows in our reporting.

I wanted to know why FlowOrigin even matters, what does it do/control if anything, and why would its value would be Unknown.
  •  wam
  • Paid support Topic Starter
Here was the reply I got from VisualCron support via email:


The FlowOrigin property is kept mostly for reference purposes only. It’s upldated when you apply the flow for all jobs or all tasks. It does not affect the mapping between flows and jobs and does not affect flow processing.
Hope this helps.

Best regards,

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