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We have a Email - Get Messages task that reads messages from an O365 mailbox - it used to use an IMAP connector but due to MS changes we have had to change it to an EWS using OAuth. I t was working fine until Wednesday whenI presume the MS changes kicked in.

The job effectively reads all messages in the inbox, saves the content and attachments locally, with a separate folder for each email, and then deletes the message from the server.

After a couple of days of it not working, we had a backlog of about 600 messages. After setting up the EWS/OAuth connection it seemed to fire back up - however it only seems to have dealt with 240 of the total messages properly, and the rest are failing - which also doesn't give a great deal of confidence going forward, as well as leaving us with 360 missing files.

The ones that it worked fine for, I could see it would create a local folder with a relatively short name, e.g. “bhudfghil” for each message – I think the folder name is based on some sort of internal mail item ID. It saved the message and the attachments into each folder for each message.

For the rest that are now stuck it loops round and creates folders with a name like AAMkAGU4YmMwNGFhLWViNTUtNDc4Yy04OWVhLTM0YzA3ZTlmM2Q3NABGAAAAAAAFbwZTJk0VS6jQjQDrl9ToBwAFZpDFMdzPT669FJ8szlSvAAAAAAEMAADmxjhUOiYFRre3VGVbEHodAAA9woQ4AAA=

It then doesn’t save anything in that folder, and leaves the message there on the server.

When I run the Test on the Get Messages task, and set the number returned I see all the results I expect, but for some reason the task is choking on these messages and not processing them properly.

Any ideas? Thanks
Forum information
Some more clues perhaps - looking in the logs I can see entries such as :

1/27/2023 2:28:15 PM Err GetEmailMessages: An unhandled error occured when parsing a email, ex: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\Systems\Temp\PDFEmails\AAMkAGU4YmMwNGFhLWViNTUtNDc4Yy04OWVhLTM0YzA3ZTlmM2Q3NABGAAAAAAAFbwZTJk0VS6jQjQDrl9ToBwAFZpDFMdzPT669FJ8szlSvAAAAAAEMAADmxjhUOiYFRre3VGVbEHodAABApsCPAAA=\AAMkAGU4YmMwNGFhLWViNTUtNDc4Yy04OWVhLTM0YzA3ZTlmM2Q3NABGAAAAAAAFbwZTJk0VS6jQjQDrl9ToBwAFZpDFMdzPT669FJ8szlSvAAAAAAEMAADmxjhUOiYFRre3VGVbEHodAABApsCPAAA=.eml'.

Monitoring this thread. We had the same issue at about the same time. We weren't creating folders but rather looking for a specific email with an attachment and downloading it. When switching to EWS I guess it works but it never finishes.... it times out so at present we are stuck such that we have to just eat the error. This behavior existing in the past when we used EWS as well... Hoping something gets sorted as getting email is priority. Our other technology has adopted a SAML SSO approach to 365 and they work fine.
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