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  •  lal
  • No customer Topic Starter
An issue we encountered after a VC upgrade (4.9.3 to 4.9.11), is that one condition setting reverted to the default values. Another condition setting lost the "specific" setting to point to a particular job/task, but maintained the original "output contains"... setting.

The same condition sets contained other conditions that maintained their original settings, and the two affected conditions belonged to two different condition sets.

The problem conditions were originally set to Condition Check Object=specific, pointed to a job and task name; and Match Task "Output Contains OK".

What is interesting is that looking in the conditions xml files from just before and just after the upgrade, I couldn't find a corresponding change to what I saw in the interface. Additionally, one of the checks that I did on the file was that I did a search for "specific" (location type), and a search on the JobID for the job that it had been pointed to. I think that probably the file after the upgrade should have had two fewer of those items when they got reset to the defaults? But both xml files had the same number. I also couldn't find from the logs any manual edits done by a user to account for it.
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Do you have the old files, so we can test upgrading/importing those?
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  •  lal
  • No customer Topic Starter
Are you able to test with just the conditions file? If not, what is the minimum settings files that you would need (i.e. only ones relevant to this job, or all of them?)
If you export Jobs and Conditions it would be great. But I recommend that, before sending to support, please install on another computer, import your settings, see if you get the same problem. If you get the same problem then, in the email, point exactly to which Job and Condition. Expected and non expected result.
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